
The City of Dys: the Temple.

The shades / souls screaming
Writhing behind me in their pews
that stretch along in thousands
I feel I'm being torn apart, slowly pulled
Agonizingly flayed as I try to gaze at
The shrine, the idol or tower
The tower or chimney that represents
Eternal moments of something
Ongoing suffering, pain, noise
A higher entity that willingly binds
Everyone and everything together
I tried to gaze up but my vision bent
Trying harder but being flayed more
Spots of light, uncharacteristic
Finally I saw, a chimney in a holy color
Black as night
Smog rising and falling and rising and
Ebony and solid, leaves no trace
Outside your soul
I died, passed out, gone
Snapped back to reality
My warped interpretation


A pressure everywhere and my head is compressed
The shades are still calling
They sound sweeter now
I find I'm there within their masses
As one, as any
Breathing only because its the only thing that
Keeps the noise flowing
I'm prodded, hit, touched by one
Its touch is soft and warm
What comes off as pain and terror to all
That see the shades is a sensory lie
What they experience is utter bliss, euforia
Life at its purest
I feel enveloped
The light now exists and is brighter

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